May 22, 2014

A) One length each:
High Knees
Butt Kicks
Bear Crawl
High Kicks
1/2 length Spider-Man crawl
1/2 length Duck Walk
Burgener/Thacker warm up

B) Take 20 minutes to practice any two gymnastics skills of your choice.

C) Take 10 minutes to work on TRIPLE-Unders. If you don’t not have double Unders, work on those

D) For time: (time cap 10 minutes)
30 Bar Muscle Ups
-scaled is 30 Chest to Bar Pull ups, scaled to 30 pull ups, scaled to 30 jumping pull ups. All of these are done with NO ASSISTANCE. The idea is to push yourself, don’t pick the one that you know you can do, pick the one that will challenge you.